9(2) OF CCIM MSR 2016

Department of Sharir Rachana

Department of Rachana Sharir stands as one of the important pillar of basic principles of Ayurved. It deals with the study of Structure of the Human Body and topics like embryology, histology, Anthropometry, Genetics, marma sharir etc as per Ayurved and Modern science.

Department of Samhita Siddhanta

“Ayurveda is an ancient science of Indigenous medicine, it is special in respect that it is not only a medical science but an Art of Living in Human being.”
This is the first and the most important Department of Ayurveda, Also known as Basic principles.This department is concerned with basic principles of Ayurveda which are described in classical texts i.e. Ayurved Samhitas. Samhitas are in Sanskrit language which is a divine language, hence to understand the samhita in their true meanings Sanskrit is also taught by this department along with samhitas ( classical texts) in detail.

Department of Sanskrit

Ayurveda originated as of Vedic sciences. All original texts of Ayurveda were science in sanskrit so, the knowledge of sanskrit language is compulsory to learn Ayurveda.

Department of Kriya Sharir

It deals with the normal function of human body and its parts.It emphasizes the concepts of Dosha, Dhatu and Malas. According to the Ayurveda every individual is unique entity and for knowing this uniqness of every individuals “prakriti parikshan” that is the analysis of body and mind is the speciality of this subject.

Department of Dravyaguna

According to Charaka there is nothing on the earth which is not medicine. That’s why Ayurveda considers all substances as medicine, if used for specific purposes in an appropriate way. It’s a complete science of herbal plants. . Ayurvedic drugs, especially herbs are prescribed in different pharmaceutical forms, to get maximum therapeutic effect.

Department of Rasashastra & Bhaishyajya Kalpana

Ayurvedic Pharmaceutics deals mainly with the drugs of herbal and mineral origin, their varieties, characteristics, processing techniques, properties and their therapeutic uses along with the descriptions of various apparatus, different kinds of furnaces, heating devices and heating schedules.

The pharmaceutical procedure of any drug involve various steps starting from identification and collection of authentic raw material, application of standardized processing techniques and production of quality drug to packing and storage of produced drugs.(eg.churna, vati, gugglu kalpa, siddha tail, ghruta, avaleha.)

Department of Rognidan Avum Vikruti Vigyan

Rognidan and Vikruti Vigyan deals with the factors which are :
Essential to understand disease process as well as the diagnosis of disease.
The normal state of mind and body is called prakriti and the abnormal state of the mind and body is termed as Vikruti. Nidan Panchak is the base of diagnosis of disease.
The Knowledge gained by scrutinizing the causes and symptoms of a disease related to person is called Vikruti Vigyan.

Department of Swasthvritta

Swasthasya Swasthyarakshnam Aturasya Vikarprashamanam”
To maintain health of a healthy person and to cure the disease of a diseased person is the aim of the Ayurveda.
Ayurveda is not only a system of medicine in the conventional sense of curing disease; it is a way of life which describes diet; behavior and rules and regulations that are beneficial for life. It gives a framework of ideal lifestyle. To achieve this Ayurveda has given first preference for maintenance of health.
Swasthvritta department deals with the total health or complete fitness; harmony at each level i.e. physical, physiological, psychological and spiritual of a human being.
Yoga is another important and basic concept of health explained in basic concept of health in vedic literature. It mainly aims at having balanced physical and mental activities.
Along with yoga and naturopathy; swasthvritta teaches the art of living.


Department of Agadtantra & Vyavahar Ayurved Vidhi Vaidyaka

Deals with various natural and artificial toxic substances and poisons in detail along with their antidotes, signs and symptoms and legal aspects of medical ethics and standards

Department of Prasutitantra & Stree Roga

Streeroga and prasuti tantra deals with management of diseases manifesting specially in women in every stage of life.with gynecological and obstetric care.

Department of Kaumarbhritya

Kaumarbhritya is one of the Most Important Branch of Ayurveda dealing with the care of the child from the Conception to till the Maturity It is one of the Eight Branches (Astang) of Ayurveda.

It focuses on all aspects of nursing and healthy upbringing of newborns, infants and children by holistic approach for better progeny and society.

Department of Shalyatantra

Department of Shalya Tantra (surgery) is one of the clinical departments that teach and train the students of final B.A.M.S. course about the basics of surgery and para-surgical aspects given in Ayurveda as well as modern concepts at their level. The main focus of study is to get aware the students regarding the fundamental of surgical diseases, various disability and deformity, trauma, fractures, congenital and acquired illnesses etc.

Department of Panchakarma

The aim of Ayurveda is two folds, to maintain and promote the health of healthy and to treat the illness of the diseased. For serving these purposes various health regimens and treatment modalities have been described. As far as the treatment methods are concerned Ayurveda has described the use of shaman (Palliative treatment) and Shodhan (Bio-Purifaction methods) methods. This Shodhan (Panchakarma) means five methods of body purification. These methods are employed in the healthy to prevent diseases and to improve the immunity as also in the sick to treat a number of diseases. We have well equipped Panchakarma unit for chronic diseases. All procedure of Panchakarma are performed by trained male and female massegist under the supervision of senior consultant.

Department of Kayachikitsa

  • Ayurveda is having holistic approach towards life mainly concerned with the tre atment of body, mind and soul.
  • Kayachikitsa is the first branch of ashtang ayurved that deals with general medicine, where kaya means body and chikitsa means treatment.
  • Kaya also refers to agni on entire ayurvedic therapeutics is based on the concept of Agni. Correction of Agni is the basic line of treatment for most of the diseases.
  • Another unique aspect of kayachikitsa is Rasayana (Rejuvenation) and Vajikaran (Aphrodisiac) Rasayan chikitsa is useful for promotion of health and curing enhances the sexual vigour and useful to procreate an ideal Progeny.
  • The role of mind in the causation and cure of diseases is well recognized in kayachikitsa, hence due importance is given to strict mental discipline and adherence to moral values. For the same postment of manasroga is described in kayachikitsa.
  • Curing the disease can be attained through shaman (pacification) and shodhana (purification/detoxification) chikitsa, shaman chikitsa pacify the morbid doshas, where as shodhan expels the accumulated doshas.
Notice Board
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1August 20, 2023Noticeview
2August 16, 2023Noticeview
3August 16, 2023Noticeview
4May 11, 2023Summer Vacation Noticeview
5January 20, 2023Noticeview
6November 20, 2022Noticeview
7November 11, 20224th Prof Orel Practical Examinationview
8November 4, 2022Noticeview
9October 18, 2022Ayurved Day,2022 Celebrationview
10October 12, 2022Examination Scheduleview
11September 6, 2022Noticeview
12August 24, 2022RAM-Program Schedule Finalview
13August 16, 2022Noticeview
14May 28, 2022Summer Vacation Noticeview
15November 26, 2021Death Anniversary of our Founder.view
16November 2, 2021Notice- College will remain closed from 04.11.2021 to 06.11.2021view
17September 11, 2021Noticeview
18September 10, 20214th Prof. BAMS-2021 Class Routineview
19September 10, 20213rd Prof. BAMS-2021 Class Routineview
20September 10, 20212nd Prof. BAMS-2021 Class Routineview